Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lasting Impressions

As I was walking on the beach last week, it was amazing to see the effect the waves had on the sand.  Fisherman, pedestrians, birds, trucks, and all sorts of other traffic passed along the beach within reach of the waves, and within minutes all evidence of their passing was gone.  The waves just kept coming and coming, whittling away the marks in the sand until it was like brand new.

When you're looking over your shoulder and can barely see evidence of your progress down the beach, it's hard not to think about life and the 'impressions' you're making on the world around you.  In the grand scheme of history, wave after wave of folks come and go...but what will be the evidence that I've been here?

As I look to creating a theme for my next year, it's been good to be reminded that of all the things that are good to do, not everything lasts past the next wave....

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