Thursday, November 20, 2008

Faster than a Speeding Bullet

With work being so crazy these past weeks, I've been working a lot of hours and haven't bothered to take the time to cook much or get to the grocery; consequently, I'm eating out a lot.

I'd heard Barrett mention that they'd ordered Jimmy John's subs for a meeting at work last week, and during the conversation he mentioned that they'd ordered on-line rather than calling.  I knew Jimmy John's delivered (you can see their delivery folks dashing all over campus in cars and on bikes), but I never knew you could order using the web.  Somehow this option seemed more appealing;  I could browse the menu at leisure, check out any on-line specials, and pay by credit card without having to scrounge up the cash to pay a delivery person.  (I haven't been to the bank either these past few weeks...)

I tried this on-line ordering a few times this week for lunch and was amazed at how fast they were.  Last night, Barrett and I started a stopwatch when I pushed the "Submit Order" button on the web page...

... and the sandwich was in my hands in less than 8 minutes!

This includes the communication from their web server to my nearest store, processing of the credit card, making the sandwich, and--lets not forget--actually delivering the sandwich!  I can't warm soup in 8 minutes, and I get to work through the entire time they're making and delivering my sandwich.  As someone who appreciates efficiency, this is remarkable.

1 comment:

Emily said...

WHAT?!?!?! There's a Jimmy John's close to us, and if this is true, it's dangerous.

that is remarkable