Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Importance of Patience and Perspective

From the book "The Making of a Leader" by J. Robert Clinton, quoting Miles Standford's "Principles of Spiritual Growth":

We might consider some familiar names of believers whom God obviously brought to maturity and used for His glory--such as Pierson, Chapman, Tauler, Moody, Goforth, Mueller, Taylor, Watt, Trumbull, Meyer, Murray, Havergal, Guyon, Mabie, Gordon, Hyde, Mantle, McCheyne, McConkey, Deck, Paxson, Stoney, Saphir, Carmichael, and Hopkins. The average for these was fifteen years after they entered their life work before they began to know the Lord Jesus as their Life, and ceased trying to work for Him and began allowing Him to be their All in all and do His work through them. This is not to discourage us in any way, but to help us to settle down with our sights on eternity...

BTW, I highly recommend Dr. Clinton's book if you're looking to get a 'big picture' perspective on your life and development.

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