I know that it's a natural part of life to be disappointed--either in what happened that you didn't want to happen...or in desires that never seem to materialize. Add to this the regret that comes from poor decision making or the despair of missed opportunities, and I think everyone finds themselves in a position to feel sorry for themselves and choose to think about what's wrong with life rather than all the blessings they experience.
It's at times like these that I tend to hold The Person Responsible's feet to the fire to explain himself: Why is this happening? Why didn't you do something? Why did you let this happen to me...don't you care about me? How is this fair? Will this pain last forever?
I think these are all fair questions. The real problem comes in WHO these questions are directed to...
If I choose the direction of my life, I am The Person Responsible...and I rarely have good answers to the questions of my heart. I don't have the power or perspective to say it's all part of
some master plan that is for my best interest long-term. This "responsible person" can't get out of bed and to work on time most days...
But if I've given my life over to Another who is all-powerful and has the perspective of eternity, and I follow his lead, then my questions are met with love, understanding, and the promise that it will all turn out to prosper me...that even my mistakes fall under his authority and sovereignty. I may not see the final result, but He does, and I can trust Him when he says it's going to he OK.
I've lived my life both ways...but the latter is much easier; I have the freedom to just be broken and ask the questions...and let someone else carry the weight of responsibility for the answers.